lundi 31 août 2009
Ivan Zemtsov
Carte postale de l'artiste Russe Ivan Zemtsov de Yoshkar-ola en Russie, Reçu le 31/08/2009. Ivan a un nouveau projet de mailart sur Yvan Kyrlya que tu peux voir sur ma page mail art call.
Postcard of the Russian artist Ivan Zemtsov from Yoshkar-ola in Russia, Receipt 31/08/2009. Ivan has a new project of mailart on Yvan Kyrlya you can see on my page mail art call.
samedi 29 août 2009
Roland Halbritter
Carte postale de Enzo de l' artiste Allemand Roland Halbritter de Nüdlingen en Allemagne, reçu le 29/08/2009. Roland a un projet "Otto von Bismarck" que tu peux voir sur ma page Mail art call.
Postcard of Enzo of the German artist Roland Halbritter from Nüdlingen in Germany, receipt 29/08/2009. Roland has a project "Otto von Bismarck" which you can see on my page Mail art call.
vendredi 28 août 2009
Wilma Duguay
Carte postale photo de Enzo de l' artiste Canadienne Wilma Duguay de Bonaventure, Québec au Canada, reçu le 28/08/2009.
Postcard photo of Enzo of the Canadian artist Wilma Duguay of Bonaventure, Quebec in Canada, received the 28/08/2009.
jeudi 27 août 2009
Dame Mailarta, Queen of poste et Dale Roberts
Lettre des artiste Canadiens Dame Mailarta, Queen of poste et Dale Roberts, de Victoria, BC au Canada, reçu le 27/08/2009, contenant la documentation du projet "Mailmania 3", des ATCs... Dale Roberts a un nouveau projet: "Mailmania 4" que tu peux voir sur ma page Mail art call
Letter from the Canadian artist Dame Mailarta, Queen of poste and Dale Roberts, Victoria, BC Canada, received 27/08/2009, containing documentation of the project "Portrait", some ATCs... Dale Roberts have a new project: "Mailmania 4" that you can see on my page Mail art call
Hélène Lagache
Lettre de l'artiste Française Hélène Lagache de Bordeaux (33) en France, reçu le 27/08/2009, contenant son nouveau projet: Tapis Volant que tu pouras voir sur ma page Mail art call à la prochaine mise à jour.
Letter of the French artist Helene Lagache of Bordeaux (33) in France, received the 27/08/2009, containing her new project: Flying Carpet that you can see on my page Mail art call at the next update.
http://atelierpostal.over-blog.comAngela Behrendt
Postcard of German artist Angela Behrendt of Hannover in Germany received the 27/08/2009. Angela has a project: Amy Winehouse, you can see on my page mail art call without deadline.
samedi 22 août 2009
Silvia Giusti
Carte postale de l' artiste Italienne Silvia Giusti de Udine en Italie reçu le 22/08/2009.
Postcard of the Italian artist Silvia Giusti from Udine in Italy received the 22/08/2009.
Ernie Oei Choon Guan
Postcard of the Singapore artist Ernie Oei Choon Guan, receipt the 21/08/2009.
jeudi 20 août 2009
Éric Bensidon
Letter to the release of Salah Hamouri of the French artist Éric Bensidon de Paris (75) in France, receipt 20/08/2009.
mardi 18 août 2009
Domenico Severino
Carte postale de l' artiste Italien Domenico Severino de Pompéi en Italie reçu le 18/08/2009.
Postcard of the Italian artist Domenico Severino from Pompéi in Italy received the 18/08/2009.
vendredi 14 août 2009
Ryosuke Cohen
Lettre de l' artiste Japonais Ryosuke Cohen de Osaka 大阪府 au Japon, reçu le 14/08/2009, contenant "Brain Cell 745", la liste des participants. Pour participer à un prochain Brain Cell, il suffit de lui envoyer 150 timbres d' artiste ou un tampon.
Letter of the Japanese artist Ryosuke Cohen of Osaka 大阪府 in Japan, receipt the 14/08/2009, container "Brain Cell 745", the lists of participants. To participate in an upcoming Brain Cell, it is enough to send him 150 artiststamps or a rubberstamp.
jeudi 13 août 2009
Éric Bensidon
Lettre de l' artiste Français Éric Bensidon de Paris (75) en France, reçu le 13/08/2009, contenant la documentation de son projet d'Add and Return (mérite mépris pognon) et un nouveau add and return.
Letter of the French artist Eric Bensidon of Paris (75) in France, received the 13/08/2009, containing documentation of his project of Add and Return (merit contempt dough) and a new add and Return.
Samuel Montalvetti
Lettre de l' artiste Argentin Samuel Montalvetti de Buenos Aires en Argentine, reçu le 13/08/2009, contenant des livres d'artiste de poésie visuelle, ATCs, une carte postale, des add and pass...
Letter from the Argentine artist Samuel Montalvetti Buenos Aires in Argentina, received the 13/08/2009, containing artistbooks of visual poetry, ATCs, a postcard, some add and pass...
mercredi 12 août 2009
Wilma Duguay
Lettre de l' artiste Canadienne Wilma Duguay de Bonaventure, Québec au Canada, reçu le 12/08/2009, contenant des premiers jour Canadien.
Letter of the Canadian artist Wilma Duguay of Bonaventure, Quebec in Canada, received the 12/08/2009, containing some first day Canadian.
mardi 11 août 2009
Xtina Solano
Carte postale de l' artiste Américaine Xtina Solano de San Leandro, CA au USA, reçu le 11/08/2009.
Postcard from the American artist Xtina Solano from San Leandro, CA in the USA, received 11/08/2009.
samedi 8 août 2009
Jennifer Zoellner
Carte postale de l'artiste Américain Jennifer Zoellner de St. Petersburg, FL, USA, Reçu le 08/08/2009.
Postcard of the American artist Jennifer Zoellner from St. Petersburg, FL, USA, Receipt 08/08/2009.
http://jenniferzoe.blogspot.comMessage que Jennifer m'a envoyé: CHROMATOPHORE the art show will be opening August 27th @ Studio 620. has put up some great information about the show and designed their own invite! Please check it out. Opening is 6:30-9 and will include over 300 pieces of mail art from 20 different countries. There will be interactive mail art tables featuring mail art calls, add and pass. There will be a raffle of donations from local businesses and artists including Hugo Porcaro, TestTower, Ginny Lloyd and more! There will be food, drinks and live music from local favorite--Rebecca Zapen. Check her out at . And last but not least a showing of artifacts from the first open air post office in St. Petersburg, FL. So as you can see from the line up--it's going to be a great night! Admission is free and none of the art is for sale.
jeudi 6 août 2009
Raymond Furlotte
Lettre de l' artiste Canadien Raymond Furlotte de Montréal, Québec en Canada, reçu le 06/08/2009. Raymond a un projet"Eel River Crossing" que tu peux voire sur ma page Mail art call.