Letter from the American artist Joan Desmond in Lake Isabella, CA in the USA, received the 31/03/2009, containing an artistbook and an add and pass.
Si vous voulez m' envoyer un mail art, mon thème favori est le shar pei. If you want to send a mall art to me, my favorite topic is the shar pei. |
Letter from the American artist Joan Desmond in Lake Isabella, CA in the USA, received the 31/03/2009, containing an artistbook and an add and pass.
http://www.joandesmond.com Carte postale de l' artiste Américain David Berude de New York au USA, reçu le 31/03/2009.
Postcard of the the American artist David Berude from New York, USA, received the 31/03/2009.
http://berubebugs.blogspot.comLetter from the American artist Keith A Buchholz from St Louis, MO in the USA, received between 31/03/2009, containing documentation of his project Fluxkit. The letter came open and despite there are small things, nothing has been lost.
http://keithbuchholz.blogspot.comLetter of the German artists Angela et Peter Netmail of Minden in Germany received the 31/03/2009, containing a copy of the magazine Ostwald, their new project and a postcard. The letter is postmarked from Tunisia.
http://www.netmailart.dePostcard of the American artist Judy Skolnick from Washington DC, USA, Receipt 28/03/2009.
Postcard of the American artist Stan Askew from Pasadena, CA, USA, Receipt 23/03/2009.